Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I just got back from spending a few days in Alaska. One of my friends that I have know since Jr. High was getting married and asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. I had a lot of fun while I was out there. We were very busy running around trying to get last minute items together for the wedding and stuff. I flew in on Tuesday night (really late) and was intrigued by the fact that it was still bright and sunny outside.... even at 1am. I lost track of time while I was out there because the sun never set once! To me, it was always about 4:00 in the afternoon. On Wednesday, we woke up and ran a few errands and then went to the dress rehearsal. The location was beautiful, but freezing cold. Thursday, we went to the Russian River which was about an hour away from Olivia's house. There is where we fished for Salmon. My fishing experience was cut short due to the fact that my waders had holes in them, so the freezing cold water quickly rushed in. I stood in the water for about a half hour trying to fish for salmon, but when my feet went numb, I got out and went and found the beer. I enjoyed watching everyone else fish and then bashing the salmon on the head with a rock to kill it. Fun times. Thursday night was the Rehearsal dinner. The food was fabulous. There was a little drama that night with one of the groomsmen and Olivia, but they seemed to work it out the next day. Friday came quickly and that was the big day. Olivia and I rushed around dropping of last minute items at the reception hall and then going to get our hair and nails done and then getting dressed and off to take pictures. I hated my hair. I looked like a freak from the 80's. I could have curled my own hair, but I assumed that the hair dressers would know what they were doing, so I trusted them... NEVER AGAIN! It was horrible! Olivia looked beautiful though. The wedding ceremony was beautiful and intimate and the site over looked the ocean. It was really nice... But EXTREMELY cold and we were in strapless dresses! The reception lasted well into the night and then we ended up back at Olivia and Jed's house where we played countless games of beer pong. I had never played before, so this was a very amusing time for all! I had a lot of fun though. As I mentioned earlier, you lose track of time when the sun never sets, so here we were at 9am finally deciding it was time to go to bed. Needless to say, I was exhausted waking up 2 hours later to go to brunch!!!! After a few hours at brunch, I decided to go lay down and take a nap... that was pretty much the end of the day for me as I spent the rest of the day sleeping. Sunday, I woke up, packed, helped Olivia and Jed clean the house and then went to the airport to fly home. Overall, the week was fabulous. Alaska is beautiful! We never did get to go white water rafting due to the high water levels. I hope to make it back to Alaska soon. Maybe in March for some snowboarding. We'll see.

It took two people to make my hair look that ugly!

Amanda, Olivia, and I

The only Glacier I saw was from the airplane window.

The Bridesmaids except for Bekka

Salmon fishing on the Russian River

The Sun Never sets in Alaska, These shades are a must!

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